Wednesday, 17 October 2012

From temporary dives towards the Sun

Lately, despite of my effort to find a nice little happy things in a everyday life (WHAT I HAVE FOUND A LOT, WHICH I WILL SHARE LATER), I've been finding myself close to a one big hole. Every time when I assume something will be easier, it will be the opposite. Don't get me wrong, I love my work, but this year these children, who I teach simply suck the life out of me. I start my day telling how much I like my work and that I'm happy to be here, but at the end of the day my smile is long gone, being replased with headache and I wish I'd be swallowed by the earth. Most of all I just want silence. Autumn and the darknes doesn't help, it simply ain't my thing. Pretty much no Sun for the last three weeks,eats me alive. Every other day I feel like I'm walking on the edge, looking at that hole and waiting to see the climpse of a light. Temporary dive

Everything is up to you, said the special person. He means the light is inside me. I cry and admit that he is right, and try to fight, even if it doesn't work every day, but today it works. Top of that I read a amazing, funny and happy story that I "begged" for and I'm ready to light my light again. And I hope and know this will be just a temporary dive, also thanks to special people who know the right words at the right time.
 So I dressed up as "Mama Africa" at work today, children were learning Finnish by looking at the photos from Zambia, Music from ONE AFRICA, smiles & hugs between the fights, no worries when the bike brokes down and the scooter doesn't work well and I miss my dance lesson, but I have a nice couch surfer visiting, my always so wonderful roomie <3 Sini, WINE, Art therapy course tomorrow to look for and then A HOLIDAY!!! Yes, it is all about the attitude! I try to remember that everyday, even if it is hard at times and I do make temporary dives, especially when it's dark. But in the end there is always a sunshine inside me and I will find it.

The special person also send me this picture, that I feel I need to share with you because I know I'm not the only one feeling this way, especially here in Finland, suffering from this seasonal downfall. So lets all try to remember this image of this umbrella, despite of the bloody fact that it will only get darker, but what if we try our best to keep the light burning inside of us and let's remember the Sun and carry with us no matter what! In the end it will come back!

Here Comes the Sun
Sunrise one morning, when we slept at the water hole near Alice Springs, Australia


  1. Ihana Mama Africa, lähetän auringon säteitä. Muistutit minua siitä, että otan tuon auringon itsestään selvyytenä, ei pitäis!

  2. Kiitos auringon säteistä <3 Niitä me tarvitsemme, etenkin nyt. Onneksi viikon kuluttua päivät alkavat pikkuhiljaa pitenemään!
    Lähetän sinulle lumihiutaleita sinne lämmön keskelle!
