Wednesday 7 June 2023

Voi hyvin joka päivä

Aurinko ja tapa herättävät minut aikaisin. Laitan äänikirjan pyörimään, kunnes akku loppuu. Uni tulee uudelleen, mutta selkäsärky herättää minut. Raahaudun ylös sängystä. Kello näyttää 7.20. Ensimmäinen lomapäivä, kun mun ei tarvi olla aikaisin menossa johonkin, joten raahaudun takaisin sänkyyn. Mutta uni ei tule enää sillä aivot tikittää vieläkin ylikierroksilla. Kerron itselleni ettei mun tartte mennä mihinkään eikä nousta, jos en jaksa. Nappaan puhelimen ja katson pari jaksoa Yle Areenasta You and Me sarjaa, jonka ensimmäisen jakson katsoin eilen illalla sattumalta telkkarista Suosittelen, tuli hyvä mieli ja muutaman kyyneleenkin sai tirauttaa. 

Lopulta nousen ylös kerään kaikki kahden kiireisen päivän ajalta jääneet astiat koneeseen, kanamunan ja banaanin kuoret kompostiin. Joskus on ihanaa olla yksin kotona ja elää “pienessä kaaoksessa”, joka ei haittaa mua tippaakaan. Teen itselleni mikropuuron ja keitän kahvia. Siihen paheeseen olen taas itseni loppukevään aikana väsymyksen sokeuttamana koukuttanut, vaikka vatsani huutaa minulle epätoivoisena etten tekisi sitä taas uudelleen. 
Perun aamupäivän Bodybalancen viimeisellä minuutilla, sillä mun kroppa kertoo et eilisen tanssitunnin ja ulkotreenin jälkeen mun on parasta jäädä aamupäiväksi kotiin. Muistutan itselleni ettei ole mitään järkeä hypätä syvään päätyyn ennen kuin on oppinut taas uimaan. 

Olen päättänyt tulevana vuonna panostaa omaan hyvinvointiin. Kulunut vuosi on ollut ihan helvetin rankka monella tavalla, siitä sen enempää avautumatta, sillä en halua jäädä vellomaan kaikkeen “paskaan”. Vaikeita asioita tulee ja menee, mut omilla valinnoilla voi vaikuttaa siihen mihin suuntaan lähtee. Olen päättänyt lähteä voi hyvin joka päivä suuntaan. Ensimmäinen askel siihen oli opintovapaan hakeminen ja saaminen. Eli olen ensi vuoden opintovapaalla!!! Kun on paahtanut menemään monta vuotta laittaen muiden tarpeet itsensä edelle on pakko pysähtyä kuuntelemaan itseään. Tänä keväänä se sisäinen ääni voimistui ja tajusin et on aika pistää omat tarpeet muiden edelle, vaikka työstäni tykkäänkin. Se on vaan vienyt ihan liikaa aikaa minusta riippumattomista syistä etenkin viimeisen vuoden aikana, siitäkään jauhamatta sen enempää. Tuleva tilanne alkaa vasta nyt pikkuhiljaa iskeytyä tajuntaan. 

No miten sitä sitten voidaan hyvin joka päivä? Siinäpä vasta kysymys johon ajattelin täällä avautua ja rustailla mun fiiliksiä. Kirjoittaminen on yksi niistä asioista, jotka mut saa voimaan paremmin, joten siksi täällä ollaan. Toinen asia on se, jottei nää mun ajatukset jää vaan sille puhumisen tasolle niin avaudutaan niistä nyt sitten niille, jotka nää mun höpinät jaksaa lukea ja tunnen sitten velvollisuutta pysyä tavoitteissani. 

Ensimmäinen askel voi hyvin joka päivä tässä hetkessä tarkottaa sitä, että mä hilaan mun perseeni ulos ja liikutan itseäni enemmän. Aloitin Maikki Marjaniemen 30 päivän treenihaasteella siinä linkki, jos joku muukin innostuu. Olin toukokuussa reilun viikon sairaslomalla, kun yöunet hävisivät lähes kokonaan ja itku tuli joka asiasta. Ensin olin et meikähän ei mitään unilääkkeitä syö, mut jos vahvaa melatoniinia sais. Lääkäri kuitenkin kaikessa viisaudessa sanoi et jos nyt kuitenkin varalle laitettas sitä unilääkettä. Muutaman yön jälkeen annoin periksi ja otin lupulta miniannoksen unilääkettä ja OMG, mikä fiilis kun saa nukuttua ja yöllä vessassa käynnin jälkeen nukahtaa uudelleen. Kun alko uni taas löytyä ja energiaa olla enemmänkin niin klikkasin sitten itseni treenihaasteeseen, jotta jaksais paremmin fyysisesti ja mahtuis taas vaatteisiin ennen koronaa. Saikun jälkeen palasin takas töihin ja eka päivän jälkeen tuntui, kun ne kertyneet energiat ois vedetty vessasta alas. No selvisin viimeisistä viikoista, mutta treenihaasteen aloitus siirtyi 2 viikkoa.

Tämän viikon maanantaina sen aloitin kävelytreenillä ja venyttelyllä. Tiistaina päätin mennä Sh’Bam tanssilliselle jumppatunnille. Olin jo aktivoinu mun kuntosalikortin uudelleen vuoden tauon jälkeen. Kun olin lähdössä en löytäny mun salikorttia mistään. Kaivoin jokaisen laatikon jne. 15 min etsinnän jälkeen löysin sen siitä ensimmäisestä laatikosta, josta olin etsinyt. Sitten alkoikin olla kiire sillä 10 min ennen jumppaa täytyy noutaa lippu tai tunnille pääsy peruuntuu. Mun kello näytti 19.13, joten aikaa oli enää 7 min jälellä. Ajoin pyörällä niin lujaa et reidet meni shokista tönkkiin ja sitten vielä piti juosta rappuset ylös. Ehdin ja sain tulostettua lipun. Sitten huomasin et juomapullo, jonka olin täyttänyt oli jäänyt kotiin. Katsoin kelloa ja aikaa oli vielä 10min tunnin alkuun, joten kipaisin alakerran kauppaan hakemaan vesipulloa vain huomatakseni, että salikorttia etsiessäni olin tyhjentänyt kaikki kortit puhelimen kotelosta ja ne oli jääny kotiin, enkä oo vieläkään niin moderni et pystyisin maksaan puhelimella, ko ei ladattuna sitä korttia sinne. Takaisin siis kuntosalille, jolla oli myynnissä vesipulloja. Siinä sitten kassalle selittämään, että vuoteen en oo täällä käyny ja meni niin kauon aikaa korttia etsiessä, että juomapullo ja rahat jäi kotiin enkä millään selviäisi tulevasta tanssijumpasta ilman vesipulloa, et oisko millään mahdollista, että kävisin maksamassa huomenna, että jos please kirjoittaisit lapun sinne et tuun maksaan huomenna et kun kerta oon perseeni tänne saanu hilattua et pääsisin sinne tunnille. Lopulta hän heltyi, kirjoitti lapun ja sain vesipullon. 

Tunti oli ihan mieletön ja fiilis oli mahtava. Vetäjä tosi hyvä ja yllätin itseni pääsemällä aika nopeasti askeleisiin mukaan vaikka toiset oli tehneet kyseistä sarjaa jo monta viikkoa. Vedin täysillä, naama punaisena ja hiestä märkänä. Huvitti nuoret naisoletetut joiden katse tuntui olevan enemmän itsensä katsomista peilistä ja miltä näyttää, kun itse treenissä. Onneksi ei oo itteä koskaan niin paljon tuo oman naaman tai kropan ihaileminen peilistä paljoo kiinnostanu. Se vielä et pitäs koko ajan miettiä ja kattoa et miltä mä näytän kun jumppaan niin jäis meikäläisen jumpat jumppaamatta. Toki ei tekis ehkä pahitteeksi oppia kattoon sinne peiliin vähän useammin niin saattas jokin asia olla paremminki. Tunnin jälkeen oli niin hyvä fiilis että pyöräilin sit vielä läheiselle “ulkokuntosalille” ja tein Maikin päivän treenit. Täytyy kyllä sanoa et penkille nousu teki lopussa jo melko tiukkaa, mut sain kaiken tehtyä. Aurinko paistoi ja oli sopivan viileä. Pari turkkilaista naisoletettua oli siellä myös ja vaihdettiin muutama sana. Kettu juoksi siinä 50 metrin päässä. Fiilis oli ihan mieletön. Mun australialainen ystävä Alice tekee jo toista kertaa vuoden haastetta, jolloin hän treenaa joka päivä ja ottaa kuvan itsestä faceen joka päivä mikä motivoi tekeen treenin. Hyvä idea, mut ei mun tyylistä. Mulle sopii paljon paremmin kirjottaminen. Eli olkoon 1 osa mun hyvinvointia raportointia mun fyysisestä olosta ja kehityksestä. 

Ihanaa päivää ja rentouttavaa lomaa niille jotka sen ovat jo aloittaneet!

Thursday 16 December 2021

Vielä elossa...Still alive...

Kaiuttimissa soi espanjankielinen musiikki Etelä-Amerikasta, edessäni minttukaakao, ympärillä jouluvalot ja ikkunasta näkyvä koristeltu joulukuusi lumettomassa maassa. Olo on epätodellinen, sillä musiikki vie minut lämpimään Etelä-Amerikan reissun muistoihin, mutta todellisuus Tikkurilassa Vantaalla kahvila, jossa istun suunnittelupäivän päätteeksi. En muista milloin viimeksi olen istunut kahvilassa yksin ja tähän aikaan päivästä. Eilen katseltiin oppilaiden kanssa kuvia ja videoita mun Columbian reissulta, joten musiikki vie minut hetkessä sinne ja niihin moniin hetkiin kahviloissa edessä cappucino ja päiväkirja. Pala nousee kurkkuun ja muutama kyynel vierähtää. Hetkessä oleminen, syvään hengittäminen ja kirjoittaminen. Sitä minä kaipaan. 

Takana taas kiireinen syksy ja kaksi vuotta ilman matkustamista, kirjoittamista ja kahviloissa istumista. Kohta kuusi vuotta Suomessa ilman pitkiä ulkomaan reissuja (kesä/syys ja talviloma reissuja ei lasketa), kuusi vuotta putkeen valmistavan luokan opettajana, 3,5 vuotta Vantaalla oma asunto (pankin omistama), 2,5 ihanaa vuotta veljen perheen seinänaapurina ja sain seurata rakkaan Esterin (veljen lapsen) kasvua ja elämää läheltä, remonttia, läheisten kanssa olemista, rakas perhe, rakkaita ja ihania ystäviä vanhoja ja uusia, pitkiä kävelyhetkiä, mielettämiä kohtaamisia, ihania reissuja suomen sisällä, ulkomaanlomia ennen koronaa, monta unohtumatonta hetkeä mökillä, aina välillä kämppäkavereita, kummipoika, purjedusretkiä, traumankasvattajia, Las Primaballerinat, uuden oppimista, ihania oppilaita ja työkavereita, iloa, surua, huumoria, huutoa, hampaiden kiristystä, rauhoittumista, stressiä, energiaa, rauhaa ja paljon halauksia - siitä on mun viimeiset kuus vuotta tehty.

Ajattelin yrittää aloittaa kirjoittamisen uudelleen. Kertoa fiiliksistä ja jakaa elämääni täällä, palata uskomattomiin reissuihin tarinoin ja kuvin, joita on kertynyt koneelle ja reissupäiväkirjoihin. Pitää englannin kieltä yllä kirjoittamalla molemmilla kielillä. Katsotaan mitä muuta keksin. Vielä 4 työpäivää ja sitten alkaa ansaittu joululoma.

Näillä tunnelmilla toivotan teille kaikille rakkaille ihmisille ympäri maailmaa Rauhallista Joulua niille, jotka sitä juhlii, muille vaan ihania hetkiä joulukuulle ja vuodenvaihteeseen!

💓Halauksia ja rakkautta💓 

The speakers feature Spanish music from South-America, mint-chocolate drink in front of me, Christmas lights around, and a decorated Christmas tree outside, but no snow. The feeling is unreal, because the music takes me to the memories of my trip to South America, but the reality is in Tikkurila, a cafe in Vantaa, where I sit at the end of a planning day at work. I don't remember the last time I sat in a cafe alone at this time of day. Yesterday, I was watching pictures and videos with my students from my trip to Columbia, so the music take me there, for those many moments in the cafes, in front of me cappuccino and diary. I can feel tears running down my cheek and a lump in my throat. Being in a moment, taking a deep breath and writing, that's what I have missed. 

Once again busy autumn behind and two years without traveling outside Finland, writing and sitting in cafes. Almost six years in Finland without long trips abroad (summer, autumn and winter holiday wont count), six years as a teacher of a preparatory class for immigrants, 3,5 living in Vantaa in my own apartment (owned by the bank), 2,5 years I lived next door to my brother's family and followed my brother's child Esteri's life close up, several renovations, being with loved ones, dear family, dear and wonderful friends old and new, long walks, wonderful trips, unforgettable moments, amazing trips in Finland, holidays abroad before corona, life at the cottage, roommates, godson, sailing trips, "trauma educators", Las Primaballerinas, learning new things, wonderful students and co-workers, joy, sadness, humor, shouting, calmness, stress, energy, peace and plenty of hugs - that's what my life has been done for the last six years. 

I thought about start writing again. Tell about my feelings and share my life in Finland. Perhaps return to my amazing trips with stories and pictures. Trying to write in Finnish and English. Let's see what I come up with. For more days to work and then Christmas holiday finally begins. 

I wish you all dear friends around the world a Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, to others wonderful moments in December and Happy New Year!

💓Hugs and Love💓

                                            SUOMI 💓 FINLAND

Monday 1 June 2015

Teachers Without Borders

Most of you already know that I’m back in Finland. Some of you are wondering why she is back, because you thought I will be away much longer.  NO - I don’t have a boyfriend, NO - I didn’t get married and I’m NOT pregnant! Instead I'm back because I will go and work at the refugee camp in Uganda!!!

Believe me or not, but I’ve been looking for jobs this spring, so it has not been just a holiday. I even applied few teaching jobs in Europe. Two days later after I send those applications I spotted a very interesting volunteer job with TEACHERS WITHOUT BORDERS network! Wow that sounds interesting, that’s what I want to do! Hmmm, there is only two days left to apply…let’s go for it I thought without thinking about it too much! I send my application and two and half months later here I am in Helsinki taking a course at Finn Church Aid before leaving to Uganda to work at the refugee camp for six months. Most likely I will leave in July 2015! I have worked with immigrants past few years in Finland and I thought it would be interesting to see how situation where the refugees are coming from is and how can we make it better for them already over there. Also, this is what I studied for at the University!

Everything happened very fast. I didn’t want to tell about this before I was sure I got the job. Now I'm sure and I’m trying to organise everything before I leave. Only two and half weeks ago I bought flights back to Europe. It was not easy to leave my sister and her family, because we had the best time together. They were also a reason why I didn't go and see anyone else in Australia. Because of the job I got, my visit in OZ was short and my sister needed me the most and I needed them! 

In Europe, I went first to my good friend’s wedding in Germany and then to Finland. 

Mat & Anja

At Korkeasaari Zoo in Finland
Last five months passed by faster than I expected. My plan of keeping up with my blog was hard. I was writing a LOT though, but on my diary. Before leaving Javi reminded me that keeping up with a blog can be difficult, because all the time something happens when you travel and you don’t want to be on a computer. He was right and I failed keeping up with the blog but I didn’t fail writing. I promise you the stories will come out one day!
All I can say I’m happy about this job possibility. I know it’s gonna be really tough place and hard work, but still it is nice to return to African continent. Hopefully, I will have a change to visit my Zambian family and friends after I finish my work. I’m also happy to be back in Finland! Already in few days, I saw some of my former students, I went to my cousin’s graduation in Rovaniemi, saw my relatives and friends. Now I'm trying to orientate myself going to Uganda. Training started today. We talked about importance of culture and religions and how to mingle in between.
More to come soon!

Friday 3 April 2015

Living in a moment...I never know what’s gonna happen tomorrow...

Here I often I sit back and think about the day that just passed by and I feel WOW, I really never know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. LIFE surprises me almost every day. Sometimes it’s so intensive that I feel like I’m drowning into it, but still I try to take it as it comes, learn from it and dive in. Most of the times life makes me happy, but sometimes it gives me anxiety, makes me tired, angry and even sad. Beauty of it is being able to share the life with friends and make new friends no matter where I am in the world. To be able to accept when life gives me something else than I wanted is part of it too. Flexibility to change my plans, sometimes to be able to put my needs aside when life shows me there is a reason for it; sleep on the couch to support my friend when her child is sick, share my knowledge in order to help others to learn, celebrate together, laugh together for a great performance, watch the sunset together with friends, eat and drink together, sing together, learn together, travel together, go to the beach together…share the life together as much as I can with others. 
When I start to feel anxiety it means I haven’t had time to write, be with myself and reflect what has happened. Before my travels I always have a plan to write, because I love writing, but I forget how intense life can be when you travel or return to place where you lived before. Fairly often, when I planned to spend time on writing, because finally there was a good internet connection, however on the way I happened to meet an interesting person and we end up talking for hours. So I tend to choose people instead of writing, because I learn something from every person, which in the end makes me very tired, because I also I need time to reflect my thoughts. This travel most of the writing is on my diary...coming out one day ;)

Easter is a good example of you never know what's gonna happen and what happens to me when I just go with the flow. last couple of weeks I was very busy helping out with many things and forgot that in order to get out of Lima during the Easter I need to book bus way in advance. We wanted to escape Lima for a while with another beautiful volunteer, Laura, who works at the La Casa de Panchita. In the end all the busses were full and we couldn’t take the night bus. We’re still hopeful and decided that we’ll leave the next day and look places for camping nearby. It seems that the whole country was traveling and taking over of all the peaceful places around Lima. Finally we agreed going to the beach in the South. Ok, we were ready to go and I was already at the door and then Laura notices stains one the floor. SHIT, the wine carton in her bag was leaking! Wine everywhere in the bag and table cloth…ok instead of going out of the door we started cleaning! After washing the table cloth and cleaning it was so late that we would have not make it to the beach before dark because of the traffic. When everyone wants to get out of Lima, it’s a nightmare. Instead, we were laughing and decide to stay in Lima one more night. We went to eat sushi, ended up crashing to a friend’s party, in the end sat in the park in Malecon talking, drinking wine and chilling with Laura and Facundo.

Thursday morning I woke up with a severe headache…maybe bit too much wine the night before. Idea of traveling in the hot bus felt rather awful. Solution a GOOD breakfast, which would make me feel better! I remembered that my Israeli friend Eran, who I was stuck with when I missed my flight in Bogota, was flying out of Lima on 3rd of April, so I text him to know if he was in Lima. He was staying almost around the corner of a cafeteria and joined us for breakfast or better called it a brunch, because it was way past midday. What a happy reunion with Eran, because I was not expecting that we see each other’s again! I realized I had missed his company and sarcastic sense of humor. After chatting, consuming two big fruit juices and food, option going out of Lima was forgotten again. We ended up chilling in Barrancco at the beach and later cooking together at the hostel, where Facundo was working. Salmon, sweet potato, nice salad…Best dinner for long time, because we did it together ourselves!!! Even better was the company of the people, Finnish, Israeli, German and Argentinian invasion! When I woke up, I really didn’t imagine that the day would end like this.

Let's see what will happen today...
Thank you for all of you who I have shared moments with, it meant a world to me!

Happy Holidays to the ones who are having one! 

This was a song send by a friend, who I got to know last saturday...fits me and I like it and makes me smile when I have my moments of feeling lost and just at anytime really King of the world

To live in a moment is important!

Tuesday 27 January 2015

What happened during the year 2014?

For almost a year I have not posted hardly anything, even though I promised to people in Peru I will try to tell them about my life in Finland. It has mainly been posting some pictures on Facebook. It does not mean that my life was boring or I didn't have anything to say. Sometimes your mind just has too many things and you start doubting whether you want to share it with others, because it's too personal. Also this year I've been writing a “real” diary and for that reason I've become too lazy to write it twice. Past year was interesting, fun, sad, extremely busy, hectic and filled with different things that in the end made me very exhausted in good and bad. As usually, it means that in the end I find myself being on the other side of the world when it happens. However, this time I’m just continuing my original plan what I was supposed to do after volunteering in Peru. Due to a death of my grandpa I just postponed it for a year. As always that decision was right one and led to many other new things and people in my life. 
To start a new year and new chapter in life it's always good to look back the year and remember what happened. I have to say it was a pretty amazing year and no wonder I got little bit exhausted at the end of the year in the dark and busy land of Finland. 

This is the view from where am sitting at right this moment in Canoa, Ecuador. It’s a very small village on the coast. I know, some of you are wondering now what the heck is she doing inside if the weather is like that outside. To be honest, at moment I have slight headache (only had two cocktails...way too strong for me) after having a night out dancing. Second, it's so hot outside that you cannot even walk beer feet on the sand. So don’t worry I'm waiting to feel better so that I can head to beach to practice more surfing in the afternoon!
 So how was my year?

Loosing and letting go, but not forgetting
Isaac, my Zambian brother
My year started in Arequipa with rather sad feelings because father of my friend, who I was traveling with, died on a New Year’s Eve. Somehow death followed me around quite a lot last year, I lost my grandpa Kemi and grandma Autti last spring. As, I said grandpa Kemi’s death was the reason why I returned back to Finland. Both of my grandparents were very important people in my life and taught me so many important things. Losing them meant that one part of my life was somehow over. There were moments that I thought why I didn’t listen them more carefully, because they had so much knowledge about things that I don’t have. In May a schoolmate from Denmark ended his journey of life and later in November my Zambian big brother Isaac, who took me under his wing and opened his house to me to live in, died with malaria. It was a shock and felt so wrong that a person only few years older than me had to go. It made appreciate life and the each moment we share with the people even more. Even if they are now gone they continue their lives within our hearts and in our memories. I am so grateful of all the moments I shared with my grandparents and Isaac. I love them all from the bottom of my heart.


I GRADUATED, finally after being at the University for ten years. Top of that I managed to produce
a "master piece" of my Master’s thesis; it’s not perfect, but excellent, as my professor said. I can now say I'm proud of it even if I didn't believe that I was able to produce something good. In my case I needed time in order to produce something special and meaningful, because for me it felt stupid to produce something that doesn’t mean anything to me. Many had already given up believing that I would never finish my thesis, but I did and with the best grade. Huge thanks goes to my friend Katja, who was forced to put up with me while finishing it and giving me mental support together with Anna, when I was having a mental breakdown at the end. Love them to pits and so grateful that they had fait on me! I'm thankful to Luke, who kindly corrected my language errors. However, I think the best feedback was from a person, who doesn’t know me but read my thesis and said she got inspiration writing her own! Now I can say to myself good on you Sari, you did a great job!

I finished my work in Peru with a La casa de Panchita (LCP) before I got back to Finland for my grandpas funeral in February. I think I managed to do decent job in there and I’m so glad for the experience I had with them and all the people I got to know in Lima. La Casa de Panchita became like a family to me. I have continued volunteering with Naisten Kehitysapu in Finland, who is a partner ngo with La Casa de Panchita. It feels good to be able to continue to be part of LCP somehow. I had a short stopover in Lima, when coming to Ecuador and it felt like going home and like I was never away for 11 months. Looking forward to get there in March, see all my friends, see the kids and spend quality time with everyone.
My dear students

When returning to Finland in February I got a job as an immigrant class teacher, but this time at the secondary level in Helsinki. First it was supposed to be only until summer, but I continued until Christmas. Spring was ok, learning to work with older kids, but in August I had way too many kids and they were in different levels in Finnish in order to handle the class without having a breakdown after a month. However, my students (or my kids how I often called them) were such an amazing characters, despite of the hardships we had. I understand that it’s really frustrating to come to a new country and to be put with kids, who are way younger than they and to go and study again what you already learned in your country is not easy. Even if some of the students gave me hard time, but I simply love each one of them and I know they will manage in their lives. Maybe it’s about me as a person, maybe they somehow feel safe to have their “battles” with me, I don’t know. Many of them continued to a normal class when I left, but sadly I had to say goodbye to a very nice crowd. I’m looking forward to see them in the future and how they get on with their life in Finland. I love my work as an immigrant class teacher, it’s definitely a job for me, but the work conditions are not good in Helsinki. I definitely needed more support that I was able to get. But that is another topic to talk about. We shared many amazing, funny and great moments together and I’m so thankful that I was able to be their teacher. Teachers work is hard, but at the end rewarding!

Amazing trips 
My year started with amazing trip at the Arequipa, Canyon de Colca, then to Cobacabana, Lake Titicaca and Puno.
Hiking at the Canyon de Colca
At the plaza in Copacabana

Visiting the floting islands in Puno
Next one was in Finland at Sodankylä Film festival in June

For year I had been thinking to go there and this year we finally did it. I gave myself a little treat in the middle of thesis writing and we had a little road trip to Sodankylä with Katja and Susanna. We stayed at Katja's friend’s mom's house. What a lovely woman, reminded me of my grandma who passed away. There were interesting, good movies and people. Perfect weekend!
Movies 24h and daylight 24h
Sun at 3 am when coming back home.
First ever paid holiday, "a roadtrip" in Europe
After I finished my thesis, I hoped into train to Tampere, visited Kirsi there and then took a flight to London.

Bristol, England
I from London I went to Bristol to see my extented family Jen, Gabor, Liliom and Ernest. It was hectic, but also lovely reunion with them. My dear friend from Australia, Christie was in London at that time and came to visit me in Bristol. We just chilled out with the kids, had a nice dinner and enjoyed each others company. Perfect!
At the festival in town with Liliom and Ernest.

Christie enjoying my cooking :)
Lille, France
From Bristol I took train to London and continued from there by land using car sharing(blablacar) to France to Lille to visit another friend Adele, who I got to know in Lima. Almost a year in between since we last saw each others in Lima. Another chilled out weekend with nice people and nice company!
Look at us, together again but guess in which country are we in?
Toulouse, France 
From Lille I took another blablacar to Toulouse, which is on southern France. I simply fell in love with that city and the weather. Amazing, chilled out city, lots of nice arty people, a city with really good vibes. I was couch surfing there and I had wonderful host and met so many interesting people. Spend a wonderful day with a Columbian girl Constanza, who was couch surfing in a same place. So lucky to have met them and moments we shared together.
Touluose by the riverside.
Madrid, Spain 
Final stop was Madrid. I took the last ride with blablacar from Toulouse to Madrid. It was a long trip, but I saw so much on the way and I was already dreaming of buying a house from the middle of nowhere. In Madrid I stayed with my friend Javi. More new interesting people, people who I already knew, we had dinners, wondered around the city, enjoyed a little adventure outside Madrid and simply just enjoyed the time being together. 
Me and Javi climping at la Pedriza (not sure about the name :)
Finland road trip
After Spain I got back to Finland to my friend’s wedding and then decided to visit my dear friends all over Finland. Beautiful moments and enjoyed Finland summer for the first time in a very long time. I was surprised how beautiful Finnish summer is, but of course it was extremely hot July and August. Also June was cold so most of the mosquitos were dead ;)
Saana's wedding in Sysmä
Enjoying the company of Taavi, Heli and Tuomas in Jyväskylä

Enjoying the summer in Savonlinna with Linda, Niko, Hiski and Saimi
Enjoying the time, eating fresh smoked fish at grandpa Autti's cottage in Autti

Escaping the reality to Spain to Madrid, autumn holiday in November

At the top after some (scary for me) climbing

Have you noticed that I might be in love with Spain? To have an amazing friend Javi living in Madrid, is a perfect excuse to escape Finland in the middle of the depressing autumn or pretty much anytime of the year really is nice to go to Spain. This time we went to the mountains near Cuenca and had a perfect, relaxed weekend at the cottage with great people, good wine, food and right mindset. And can you see how the weather is there and this was in November!!! After every visit I'm more and more convinced that I should live in Spain.

Javi on a slackline

I also learned something new; I totally fell in love with slackline!!! So much fun :) I felt like a little child again, who just wants to keep going, try again and again and again and … the feeling when you succeed at least little bit is the best reward! 

Happines and moments

A beautiful room in a beautiful house

In August I moved to a kind of community house, only 10 minutes bike ride away from my work. It was perfect location, nice neighbors and a good roommate Manu. It was a pleasure to live with him and I managed to live with cats, even though it was hard at times. At least now I know that I am not a cat person, sorry all the cat people, but I prefer dogs and love them to pits. But living there was great. Thank you people in Kipparlahden Silmukka, even if I was busy running around in Finland, I enjoyed the moments we shared!
Wonderful friends and people in my life, some new, some old, but all the moments I shared with them were important. My moments missing from here but just to remember few.
Mimmi visiting Helsinki 

World Village Festival in Helsinki with my dear friends from Zambia exhange
Visiting Matosaari with Sini & Vesku
Short, but great reunion with Mari & Laura in Helsinki
Johanna's hen night with amazing women
Having fun with the girls playing with the camera at Johanna's wedding in Suomenlinna.
Reunion in Rovaniemi with my ballet friends
My graduation party at my moms in Helsinki
Me and my dear Maija at my party
My two favorite people Katja and cousin Anttu, who made a surprise visit to my party in Helsinki
My dear friend Matthias from Germany visiting me in Helsinki

Me and Sini in Oulu celebrating in Oulu our University program turning 20 years
My Kassandra choir who I was singing with the whole autumn term
My graduacion party in Autti at my grandpa's cottage.
Christmas with my father and brothers, men cooking!
Tapani's Day evening with Mia
New Year in silence at my grandpas' cottage Autti with Katja, Edi and Heta. '

These were just moments I had pictures of. All I can say after looking back is WOW how lucky person I am to have all the amazing people in my life and have my life organized always the best way possible even in difficult situations. It’s important to remember to trust that things will work out and not stress too much. No wonder it felt difficult for me to leave Europe this time. But it's time for me to go and live for myself for little while, think about what I want to do next in my life. Sometimes it's good to take distance to see things from a different perspective. 

If I was pain in the ass or cried to you when I was tired or stressed out, I'm sorry, but you know if I did that to you it means you are very important person in my life if I can show you all my emotions. And that's how life is, not always easy no matter if you had all the things in the world you wished for, still you may feel angry, sad or stressed, because of something. But please remember I love you all very much and carry you in my heart wherever I go. 

This year my intention is to try to find a balance in my life in order to cope with the working life better in the future. I have started out by the beach doing yoga and learning to surf in Canoa, Equador.
This is where I am now, enjoying the Sunset in Canoa, Ecuador

Have a nice week, enjoy it and look around you, but not your smartphone!