Once again one year has
come to an end. It means is time to look back how the year was. Despite of my
effort to keep this blog running I’ve only manage to write nine blog entries
and this is will be tenth one talking about year 2012 even if it is already the third day of the year 2013 and I'm still writing this.
Surprisingly this year started in Finland and ended in Finland. It’s a first time since 2005 I’ve stayed a full year in Finland, only went for a short holiday during the summer. Yet, I'm ALIVE, even maintained my sanity despite of little downfalls. However, as a result I find myself going on the road again this year to look for new adventures. I guess I could say I’m a traveler and I need to go on the road again to experience something new (my addiction). Even more I need SUN in my life. Maybe one day I find a warm place where I feel like staying for longer time but until then it's better go when I feel like it.
Lähdetään kauas pois...
This entry is kind of a summary of my year about things I wrote, but due to my laziness or busyness whatever you call it I didn't puplish them. Some of them are my thoughts, some things that made me happy and special moment I shared with someone.
The World Village Festival in May in Helsinki with Katja, Sofia&Thiago.
Always as good to hang around with them.
New Year at my favorite uncle in Rovaniemi with Jaci

Surprisingly this year started in Finland and ended in Finland. It’s a first time since 2005 I’ve stayed a full year in Finland, only went for a short holiday during the summer. Yet, I'm ALIVE, even maintained my sanity despite of little downfalls. However, as a result I find myself going on the road again this year to look for new adventures. I guess I could say I’m a traveler and I need to go on the road again to experience something new (my addiction). Even more I need SUN in my life. Maybe one day I find a warm place where I feel like staying for longer time but until then it's better go when I feel like it.
Lähdetään kauas pois...
This entry is kind of a summary of my year about things I wrote, but due to my laziness or busyness whatever you call it I didn't puplish them. Some of them are my thoughts, some things that made me happy and special moment I shared with someone.
I love eating together with people. Even more I
like cooking together with someone or to someone. This year I have had many
amazing dinners with many amazing people in Oulu, Rovaniemi, Helsinki, France and Spain. With people from several different countries, sometimes a simple picnic, but I loved all these moments I shared with people while eating. Some of them who I had just met, some who I've known for long but it's always as good. I have so many excellent meals this year! Thank you for all those moment of eating together. Let's have even more dinners during the year 2013!!!
Get together with my mates from university at Saana's cottage
Midsummer at Katja's summerhouse
Picnic in Paris with Susan and Estano
No matter how much I love being and living with people
sometimes I need time just to be alone. This autumn I have managed to find and
take more time for myself. Of course it is natural feeling when the autumn
comes in Finland that you just wanna hide in the dark corner, but this time it
has not been like that. It’s been more being alone with my own thoughts, write
more (even if I have not published them) and feel good inside. One way it is
also preparing myself to the situation where I will be alone, not having anyone
who knows me around whenever I feel like talking. Of course I will always carry
you in my heart wherever I go and I will have my imaginary conversations with you
while writing, as I do now with the ones who are outside Finland.
Sometimes we get hooked with the past,
especially if it is something that was never solved or dealt with. Often a
problem for women, I hear men saying, but I reckon it goes both ways. Finally,
after some years I managed to close some doors behind me, at least one for
sure. I feel the circle has come to an end. That feeling when you realize something
that once existed has vanished and the excitement or the anger is no longer there
when you meet, is liberating. More, I realize that even if some decision back then were
difficult to make, they were right for me and they still are. So what
is left? Sometimes a friendship or maybe more like the feeling of familiarity,
because of something that we once shared. However, they will always be part of
my life some in the past and others in the future.
The secret of health for both mind and body
is not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about future,
or not to anticipate troubles,
but to live the present moment wisely and
~ Buddha
Once again I realize I prefer to wait that I
see you again LOVE. Not being able to fell in love or be in love is a lost. The
feeling of being in love or loving someone near or far is always amazing even if it can be hard sometimes. Still loving someone is the best feeling I
know of and I am sure that the LOVE will find its way back to me when the time
is right. I’m not afraid of you.
Despite of being busy and tired this autumn, I have enjoyed
having couch surfers staying with us. They have been the light in
my regular life here in Finland. Most of them have been interesting people who
I enjoyed spending time with. More, they have been a very good excuse to stop
being busy for a while, get to know new people and easy on my longing for traveling by listening others. I think in South-America I will continue my couch surfing experiences
being the one who is crashing to other peoples couches. It was a pleasure to
meet you all and hope to meet new ones next year! You're most welcome!
LIGHT in the darkness - SNOW
EMPOWERMENT- Make your dream comes true
When I’m unhappy with my life I think about the
things I’m dreaming of and things I would like to do in my life. Often
something comes up and I know that this is what I need to do next. This time it
came in a form of email and when I read it I knew this is it, this is what I
wanted to do for a while already and this time it is my change. To have something waiting for ahead
makes me feel better about living in a moment in here because I know this
chapter will come to an end and after that I will once more open a new chapter
in my life. Next may not be easier
than this one, but different and I need difference and adventures in my life!
I was right, it was my change and I'm going to Peru to do volunteering for six months in June 2013.
LIGHT in the darkness - SNOW
Right now I’m sitting in a bus on my way back
to Oulu from Jyväskylä. I feel like the whole world has changed within a week, light came back
to us in a form of snow. First snow is always somehow magical and I’m so happy
to see it after depressing autumn darkness. Luckily this year it came early and
I hope it will stay this way, please stay! However, I know after few months I will
be begging that it would melt already, but I prefer to live in this moment and
at this moment snow and whiteness feel really good.
My friend's daughter Elvi and her first time walking on a snow
This year I had many good moments with speacial friends and I cannot share all of them with you. But these events and meetings made a huge smile on my face and they were some highlights of this year.
On my winter holiday I had a change
to spend time at my
grandpas' cottage in Autti
to spend time at my
grandpas' cottage in Autti
with one of my favorite people. Jen is missing from the picture.
Later this year Mimmi and Matias
moved to OZ :(
moved to OZ :(
Luckily I got Jen, Gabor, Lilly & Ernest as my neighbors!
The World Village Festival in May in Helsinki with Katja, Sofia&Thiago.
Always as good to hang around with them.
In June I met up with Virginia finally after six year!!!
Last time in Sikkim this time in southern France.
She is very special friend to me even if we don't meet very often.
Mid Summer in the countryside with my very special friend Katja and her family
enjoying good company,
good food and thesis writing.
From the picture on the left you can see how cold our summer was.
Me and Matthias in Berlin in July meeting each other after four years.
I had a great time! He is very dear to me.
I had a great time! He is very dear to me.
My amazing roommate Sini since August 2012. Asher, who brought light into our life.
I love living with her.

I love living with her.
Ps. I have stolen these photos from their pages because they were good ones and I simply had none :(. So I better give gredit to them taking the photos!
In October a Weekend with my beautiful and dear 'las primadonnas', (ballet mates).
So great to realize that it is still the same being together as (almost) 18 years ago,
So great to realize that it is still the same being together as (almost) 18 years ago,
of course we grew older and life happened to all of us, but we are still there.
What we once shared for so long never goes away and we can always keep building on that.
We should definately do it again!

October ETVO - orientation weekend
The first weekend of my autumn holiday I had the orientation weekend for my volunteering in Peru. All together we’re around about people, who were going to do volunteering in different parts of the world, some in different African countries, others in Nepal and only two of us in Latin America. I felt like going on a camp like we used to go when I was a little child. The place was outside Helsinki, next to a lake, calming and beautiful place, just what I needed from my autumn holiday. We were accommodated in 6 rooms with bunk beds. All of us had different background and we’re working in different fields. Yet, we all shared the same goal, going to do volunteering. Of course we all have different reasons for doing so, which made it even more interesting. It was so nice meet so many likeminded people, to be able to talk about development, co-operation, global issues and most of all shared our experiences around the world. On Saturday night we had a sauna (which is kind of a must for Finns no matter what is the occasion) and even I followed others and swam in a freezing lake!!! Yes, I who don’t enjoy swimming in a cold water, but I did it and it was very refreshing and relaxing! Even if the weekend was very intensive and informative, it was also empowering and I felt like I travelled during this weekend to many places, at least in my memories.
Kirsi + Tampere visit
People in Jyväskylä <3
The first weekend of my autumn holiday I had the orientation weekend for my volunteering in Peru. All together we’re around about people, who were going to do volunteering in different parts of the world, some in different African countries, others in Nepal and only two of us in Latin America. I felt like going on a camp like we used to go when I was a little child. The place was outside Helsinki, next to a lake, calming and beautiful place, just what I needed from my autumn holiday. We were accommodated in 6 rooms with bunk beds. All of us had different background and we’re working in different fields. Yet, we all shared the same goal, going to do volunteering. Of course we all have different reasons for doing so, which made it even more interesting. It was so nice meet so many likeminded people, to be able to talk about development, co-operation, global issues and most of all shared our experiences around the world. On Saturday night we had a sauna (which is kind of a must for Finns no matter what is the occasion) and even I followed others and swam in a freezing lake!!! Yes, I who don’t enjoy swimming in a cold water, but I did it and it was very refreshing and relaxing! Even if the weekend was very intensive and informative, it was also empowering and I felt like I travelled during this weekend to many places, at least in my memories.
Kirsi + Tampere visit
People in Jyväskylä <3
New Year at my favorite uncle in Rovaniemi with Jaci